by ILW India Education Consultants | Nov 30, 2018
Quality Education + Cosmopolitan + 15 Years Education Accepted + Proximity to India + Low Taxation + Strong Indian Community + Free Trade Hong Kong today is a bustling cosmopolitan city that houses the offices of top international banks, pharmaceutical and...
by ILW India Education Consultants | Nov 21, 2018
Primary Education Primary schooling starts at the age of around six and there are 6 years of schooling at the primary level. There The Government aims to provide a balanced and diverse school education that meet the different need of our students; help them build up...
by ILW India Education Consultants | Nov 21, 2018
Here is a list of Popular Courses in Hong Kong that students can consider studying: Postgraduate: Master of Business Administration MA International Accounting MSc Professional Accounting and Corporate Governance MSc Finance MSc Applied Economics MSc Financial...
by ILW India Education Consultants | Nov 21, 2018
Universities & Colleges in Hong Kong Public Institutions The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education UGC Funded Institutions (University Grants Committee) The University of Hong Kong The Chinese University of...
by ILW India Education Consultants | Nov 21, 2018
All non-local students need one, whether they come for an exchange program or full-time studies Once the application has been accepted by an institution, you must get a student visa or entry permit. In general, non-local students will need local sponsors, which...